We’ve got your trip covered
Request a quote online, and we’ll take care of the rest.
100’s of 5-star reviews
1,000’s of happy customers
About us
We know our buses. Vans too!
We’ve only partnered with the best charter bus companies in the US to provide world-class service at a great price. It’s their job to provide safe and efficient transportation for all your needs. It’s our job to bring them online for your convenience – providing you with the best price and the fastest quote possible.
Free QuoteTravel, without the stress
Peace of mind, always.
Why us
Always your first charter bus choice
Not everyone is passionate about buses, we get that. But at Charter Bus Central we’ve made it our mission to get you wherever you want to go, without the worry and stress that comes with travel.
Easy Online Experience
World-Class Safety Record
Fast Bookings
Great Customer Support
Our team
Award-winning team of partners
Royal Coach
Northern California
Las Vegas
Northwest Navigator
Leprechaun Lines
New York
New Jersey
Southern California
Hear from our happy customers
“For the second year in a row, TCS has provided excellent team transportation for the Santa Monica Rugby Club. Our bus was spacious and the leather captain’s chairs helped give our boys the rest they deserved. Our driver Anthony was courteous and always on time throughout the weekend trip. There was ample storage for our athlete’s personal baggage as well as the teams practice equipment. The driver always kept the bus clean and at the ready.”
Nick James
Santa Monica Rugby
“I want to thank you for all your help in setting up our Portland charter bus transportation. The trip was flawless! Our driver, was excellent…on time and very professional. Please let him know our team and coaches were very happy with the level of service you provided. The booking process was easy and your staff was always so helpful. We look forward to booking our next trip with NorthWest Navigator!!”
Sports Travel Coordinator